Color Inspiration – turquoise

Color inspiration: #fairytalepink #springhyacinth #robinsegg #italianturquoiseUppercase Living offers fifty colors of vinyl to complement any decor. Italian Turquoise is the newest color in the palette and pairs well with more muted shades of blue (such as Robin’s Egg). Turquoise can add the punch of color needed to a room, whether it is an expression on the wall or a pillow on the couch. It is a bold and impactful choice when used as an accent color in a room predominately featuring hues from the opposite side of the color wheel.

What can you create with the color inspiration shown here: Fairytale Pink, Spring Hyacinth, Robin’s Egg and Italian Turquoise? If turquoise makes you happy, add it to your personal wardrobe (a scarf, necklace, or blouse) in addition to your living space.

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